Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bonfire wood for hastings bonfire in the mail

Each year we excange bonfire wood with the hastings borough bonfire society here is this year's piece now on its way

Jewel Encrusted King james faxcimilie bible

This will be for the procession this year as it is the 400th of the creation of the bible which would not have occurred if the plot had been successful we will be roasting the editors of the ten worst bible translations on the spine shown in first image is a piece of the true bonfire wood a piece of that sent to Hastings for the HBBS bonfire.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Help! yes you can! I have put up a flyer for posting Please download post and distribute!!!

Yes! The work for this event is significant- so  I need to reach the world! (even you in the UK who knows someone may be stuck here on the 5th and need a bonfire!)
We need to make the heavens roar with chants. All are welcome public free rain or shine...dress warm....

follow this link
when it opens


hit download
open the word document and save print or distribute whrever you wish......Many Many Thanks!